When learning about Scala, there are a few things that might be surprising. One of such mechanisms is code derivation. With this post I want to demystify the term for those of you who are learning Scala and functional programming in general.

TL;DR This post is intended for Scala beginners and does not go into the details of building your own derivation. Instead, it shows the client side of things, aiming to show the impact on the code simplification.

Different types of classes

If you have programmed in any modern programming language, you definitely know what class is. The typical class can have properties (context bound variables) and methods (context bound functions).

The textbook examples usually combine both when introducing the concept like this:

class Person(val name: String, val surname: String, val age: Int) {
  def sayHello: Unit = println(s"Hello! My name is $name")

While this might be the typical approach you might have seen, used a lot in object oriented programming. It’s usually followed by inheritance for building more complex programs.

In functional programming approach, we’d take a different path. Instead of binding the logic to specific data structure, we’d model the domain separately from the services that manipulate it.

Record types aka case classes aka data classes

This is why Scala introduces the concept of a case class. This is a kind of class that aims to describe a model. It can still have it’s own methods if you need them, but those are for convenience methods rather than business logic. If you are looking for an analogy, think of Python’s data classes or data classes in Kotlin.

If we were to model a person using case class it would look like this:

case class Person(name: String, surname: String, age: Int)

Case classes in Scala are very handy, they are assumed to be immutable and come with few very useful convenience methods like copy or equals. In this post I don’t want to go into too much detail, so if you are interested check out the details in Domain Modeling Tools chapter of Scala Book.

Service classes

The other kind of classes we typically go for, be it in object oriented or functional approach. When creating a data class/record type, you start with it’s properties/fields as this is what you intend to model. Building the service however starts with the idea of manipulating the existing data types. This is where “programming to an interface” comes really handy. Let’s have a look at the example.

trait BasketService {
  def calculatePrice(basketContent: List[Item]): Price

In this example Item and Price could be data classes that represent the model, whereas BasketService provides the means to manipulate them.

The above example shows a typical business service, but we would use similar approach to utilities, like parsing, database connection or message handling.

Service vs Type Class

The example we’ve shown works with specific data types, since they only make sense in this scenario. In opposite to that, you could define a service-like thing that works with generic types. Let’s see an example

trait Show[A] {
  def show(a: A): String

We call those type classes as they build up a class of types, because Show[A] can generate Show[String], Show[Int], Show[Item], Show[List[Price]] and so on.


Boilerplate means the repetitive, burdensome code you don’t want to write but you have to. When modeling the data with case classes we arguably felt no overhead. When implementing the business logic, you usually just provide one reasonable implementation for production code. This falls apart when you want to work with type classes. If we were to implement the Show for Person this is what it would look like

object Show {
  def apply[A](implicit ev: Show[A]): Show[A] = ev

  given Show[String] = new Show[String] { 
    def show(a: A): String

  given Show[Int] = new Show[Int] {
    def show(a: Int): String = a.toString()

val ShowPerson = new Show[Person] {
  def show(a: Person): String =
    s"Person(name = ${Show[String].show(a.name)}, surname = ${Show[String].show(a.surname)}, age = ${Show[String].show(a.age)})"

This doesn’t look very clean, especially on the “client side” where you get to use this API. One way to make it simpler would be to use extension methods like this:

object Show {
  def apply[A](implicit ev: Show[A]): Show[A] = ev

  given Show[String] = new Show[String] { 
    def show(a: A): String

  given Show[Int] = new Show[Int] {
    def show(a: Int): String = a.toString()

  extension [A: Show](a: A) {
    def show: String = Show[A].show(a) 

val ShowPerson = new Show[Person] {
  def show(a: Person): String =
    s"Person(name = ${a.name.show}, surname = ${a.surname.show}, age = ${a.age.show})"

Reads much better now, but there’s still one major problem. We still need to implement all those things manually. On one hand this sounds just like a job for the programmer - write the code. On the other hand, it feels like Show for any case class can be automatically generated by following the pattern s"ClassName(param1 = value, param2 = value, ...).

Let the compiler write your code aka type class derivation

Fortunately, the Show type class is already implemented in Cats. It comes with the implementation for basic types built in, quoting the source file:

implicit def catsShowForUnit: Show[Unit] = cats.instances.unit.catsStdShowForUnit
implicit def catsShowForBoolean: Show[Boolean] = cats.instances.boolean.catsStdShowForBoolean
implicit def catsShowForByte: Show[Byte] = cats.instances.byte.catsStdShowForByte
implicit def catsShowForShort: Show[Short] = cats.instances.short.catsStdShowForShort
implicit def catsShowForInt: Show[Int] = cats.instances.int.catsStdShowForInt

That’s part of the job done, but we still want to avoid writing the implementation for our domain types.

Meet type class derivation

The operation of making the compiler come up with the implementation for our logic is called type class derivation. Since this is the beginner introduction, meta-programming techniques behind the derivations are a topic for another post. Let’s focus on making the compiler do our job with the available libraries.

Fortunately for our example, Typelevel provides the kittens project that provides the derivations. All we have to do is use it by importing cats.derived.*.

//> using dep "org.typelevel::kittens:3.0.0"
//> using dep "org.typelevel::cats-core:2.9.0"

import cats.Show

import cats.implicits.given
import cats.derived.*

case class Person(name: String, surname: String, age: Int)
given Show[Person] = semiauto.show

val testPerson = Person("Test", "Person", 100)

def printPerson() =

The script produces following output:

Person(name = Test, surname = Person, age = 100)

You can run it for yourself using scala-cli

scala-cli run https://gist.github.com/majk-p/0aafb60db8c99cff4686d5d7e6304c4c

Other examples

Obviously the Show type class is the simplest possible example that doesn’t achieve much on it’s own. This was just a showcase of what we can get with type class derviations. There are plenty more advanced examples, you might have used them without noticing. Here’s a non-exhaustive table of some popular Scala libraries that provide type class derivation.

Library Link Purpose Description
Circe https://circe.github.io/circe/codecs/semiauto-derivation.html JSON encoding/decoding Automatic JSON codec derivation for user defined case class
Doobie https://tpolecat.github.io/doobie/docs/04-Selecting.html#multi-column-queries Functional JDBC layer - working with SQL databases Decodes data from SQL query result to user provided case class
PureConfig https://github.com/pureconfig/pureconfig#quick-start Handling app configuration Decodes the HOCON/.properties/JSON configuration files to user provided case class
Phobos https://github.com/Tinkoff/phobos XML encoding/decoding Automatic XML encoder/decoder derivation for user defined case class


Type class derivation is a very powerful mechanism provided by Scala compiler. It allows us to eliminate a lot of boilerplate, while remaining very simple on the user side. Keep in mind that, like in case of Cats, sometimes the derivations for type classes you use are provided by different libraries.